my story

Jeff Profile Pic

I got my start in web development while working as an audio engineer at JSM Music. In order to pitch for new jobs, we compiled custom demo video reels of various musical styles, which were delivered to clients via FedEx or bike messenger on DVD format. The existing third party web solutions at the time were cost prohibitive. So during my downtime at the studio, I learned some Flash and created, a website where demo reels could be created, viewed, and delivered digitally. The new technology immediately eliminated the need for us to deliver physical media, saving the company significant time and expense. Our clients were delighted with the speed and ease with which we could respond to requests, affording us a competitive advantage. It was here that I caught the bug and decided to transition to web development full time.

Fast-forward twelve years. I have been happily building software solutions, first for the New York Daily News, and most recently at ANDMORE. Similar to my career as a sound engineer, I have enjoyed operating at the intersection of the creative and the technical.

ANDMORE, powered by Blackstone Group, is a leading wholesale e-commerce experience within the Home Décor, Furniture, Gift, and Apparel space. The sprawling product suite encompasses a digital marketplace, b2b e-commerce websites, a sales rep order writing app, and related admins for each. I had the opportunity to work across multiple teams, contributing ground up development and new features in a fast paced, Agile environment. I became something of a utility man, called in when deadlines were tight. As such, I got to work on several different products, each with their own tech stack. In my most recent project, I served as principal frontend on our new Buyer Portal application. This was a scratch build in React / Next.js with a turnaround time of six weeks. I did the bulk of the work, while managing a temporary part-time resource, met the aggressive deadline, and launched on time.

At the Daily News, I was a member of a two person frontend team. We managed to rebuild and modernize the bulk of the frontend during my time there, including the complete responsive redesign of all the major site templates. One highlight includes a ground up rebuild of our news article view. The new template provided a great deal of flexibility, enabling our writers to bring their stories to life with a myriad of layout options and built in widgets.

When I'm not at the computer, I can be found with a guitar in my hand. I am currently performing with DiRT, a 90s grunge tribute band, and have released two full length albums with NYC alt soul act, Sinner Man.